Wednesday, July 15, 2015

'Why Powell's Bookstore Will Outlive the Kindle'

Shelf Awareness

In a piece headlined "Why Powell’s Bookstore Will Outlive the Kindle," Condé Nast Traveler profiled Powell's City of Books, Portland, Ore., "a temple of print so vast that visitors find their way around via fold-up maps (free souvenir alert) and giant directory boards that resemble the arrivals-and-departures signage at the airport.... The best way to visit Powell's is with lots of time and no agenda whatsoever.... Landing a job here is competitive, even for the most devoted bookworms; if you're not sure what to read next, the 'staff pick' tags with hand-written recommendations are always solid bets."

"Take the bookstore in your brain and multiply it by 10--then you're close," said CEO Miriam Sontz in describing the visceral experience that is Powell's. She added that the bookstore sees 8,000 visitors a day. "It's all about growing a reading culture."

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