Monday, May 18, 2015

NZ Independent Book Festival - May Newsletter Update

North Shore Events Centre

October 3rd from 12 pm to 4 pm
October 4th from 10 am to 4 pm

Books for Sale, Author Signings, Publishing Professionals, Workshops, Seminars, Café, Entertainment

NZIBF is Live on

We need characters just like you to join us on an
amazingly novel journey.
The NZ Independent Book Festival needs funds for mainstream advertising so book lovers, readers and writers will know to come to our festival for all their literary loves. Be a part of the team that brings this 'bookfest' adventure to life.

The funds raised, once our goal is reached, will be used for advertising the festival in a variety of community papers.  We need to raise awareness of our event not only through social media but also mainstream media. We need to attract 1,000s of visitors to ensure the festival is a success for exhibitors. Special thanks to Vicky Adin (, ZR Southcombe ( and Dexter Fry of Book Design for their starring roles.
Thank you to those who have already shown support by donating.

Click the link to see our NZIBF introduction video:
(Note: We receive the funds raised on this crowd-funding site only if the funding goal is met. If it isn't all donations are returned. Once the campaign has achieved its goal takes 10% to pay for their services. All donations are tax deductible and an official tax receipt will be forwarded from Boosted once the funding goal is met.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Graeme for putting up our May newsletter for the festival. It is truly appreciated. Louise de Varga