Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Neil Lyndon - 22 years on, I'm republishing my controversial book on the failings of feminism

Neil Lyndon's 1992 book No More Sex War was greeted with such hostility, it almost ruined him. He explains why it's time to publish it again

Society does the best it can to equalise things, and so it should.

“Is this wise?” asked an old friend when I recently told him that I was about republish my 1992 book, No More Sex War. “Surely you don’t want to go through that trauma again?”
Not much. Given a choice, I would deeply prefer not to lose all my income and my home and be bankrupted again, which happened last time this book came out. Equally, I am not eager to subject my family and those who care about me to the distress of seeing me and my character grotesquely lampooned and my work ruthlessly, deliberately misrepresented. I am not yearning for another round of the vile monstering I received at the hands of the noble media, which was exceeded in its ludicrousness and hatefulness only, perhaps, by the horrible scurrilities meted out to Kate and Gerry McCann. I would rather dig field latrines every day for the rest of my life than go through that again.

Even so, there remain sound, strong reasons to republish that book.

One: this is the first time the text will have appeared, in full, as I wrote it.

Two: perhaps there might be a chance that, this time somebody might actually read it. That would make a welcome change. 


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