Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Roger Hall looks back 50 years

Roger Hall mentioned to me that he was about to commemorate fifty years since he first had a published piece of work that was paid for: a short story, Anderson, that appeared in The Listener (14 August 1964).

"It was the first rung on the ladder. Because of that I was able to go in and talk to the editor, the great Monte Holcroft. Behind Monte's desk was a shelf of new books waiting to be reviewed. 'I don't suppose I could review some books?' I asked.

He turned round, took three of the shelf and handed them to me. I then became a regular book reviewer, and later, under Ian Cross, one of their TV reviewers. But I never had any more stories accepted. And it wasn't long before most of my efforts were concentrated on dialogue rather than prose."

A real milestone Roger, warmest congratulations.
And it seems appropriate that the photo of Roger above is from The Listener!

1 comment:

jules older said...

Hasn't he done well?

Good one, Roger.