Monday, March 04, 2013

11 Books That Make Great Dates

Posted: 03/01/2013 HuffPost Books

Last year, my boyfriend moved to Boston. I live in New York.

He comes to see me every weekend. I'm a very lucky girl. But we were the kind of sickeningly in love couple that spent every single moment together because we had so much fun together. He is my best friend, and I really never get tired of him (but ask me again in 10 years. The answer may be different).

Therefore, at first, I was extremely lonely. I found myself with a ton of time left over that used to be spent with him. But then I rediscovered what I'd seemed to have forgotten: books are such amazing companions.
When Nicholas (my boyfriend) lived in the same city, I was definitely not reading as much as I used to. But when I got to thinking about it, I realized that I have not been reading as much as I used to for probably the past six or seven years.

What better activity to devote all my free time to, particularly in the winter, when I am not inclined whatsoever to go out? Staying in and reading was clearly the best option.

Reader, I have not regretted it.

Books soothe you in your loneliness. They make you feel empathy, compassion. You get lost in them. Books can be great substitutes for boyfriends.

Read the full piece plus view the books. 

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