Do you think that this generation of kids will still read print books when they grow up? According to a new report from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, little kids already prefer to eBooks to print books.
eBookNewser has more: “The Center observed 24 families with children ages 3-6 for this ‘QuickStudy’ in the summer and fall of 2011. The kids were given both print and eBooks to read and according to the research children preferred reading an eBook to a print book though comprehension was equal.”
Research in this area is just beginning. The Center is continuing their research on the subject. Digital Book World explained: “Until now, aside from outcries by hysterical parents and media, there has been no real study of whether reading to children with e-books is better or worse for them in terms of developmental or educational value than reading to them with print books.”