Saturday, October 09, 2010


First up after lunch at the Waiheke Book Festival was veteran author/poet/essayist C.K.Stead who was looking a little jet-lagged having arrived back only the day before from Europe.
He was interviewed by Roger Horrocks about his  memoir, South West of Eden, and jolly interesting it proved to be too although some of Horrocks' questions tended to be too long and convoluted.
Stead also read some passages from the book making the point that the book was "an exercise in narrative".
I enjoyed the readings and Stead's frank responses to probing and thoughtful questions by Horrocks. In fact on arriving home I immediately pulled Stead's book down from the shelf and re-read some of the sections referred to during the session.
In a response to one question Stead said he was not presently planning a second volume to his memoir, he was busy working on another novel but may consider a second volume at some point.
The Bookman reckons it would be a shame if he didn't continue his memoirs, volume two could cover the teaching years, volume three the writing years?

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