Saturday, November 01, 2008

I Write Entirely for You’

By William Logan writing in the New York Times
Published: October 31, 2008

Illustration, Jeffrey Smith - NYT

A poet should never fall in love with another poet — love is already too much like gambling on oil futures. Two poets in love must succumb to the same folie à deux as the actor and the actress, the magician and the fellow magician, because each knows already the flaws beneath the greasepaint, the pigeons hidden in top hats, all the pockmarked truth beneath illusion. Real lovers, Shakespeare long ago reminded us, have reeking breath and hair like a scouring pad.

The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell
Edited by Thomas Travisano with Saskia Hamilton
Illustrated. 875 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $45

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